miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2014

Mexican prairie dog

This particular species is endemic to northern and central Mexico, since it is found only in Coahuila and San Luis Potosi states. In the past it was also in the states of Nuevo Leon and Zacatecas. There may also be in the Chihuahuan Desert.

It is in danger as are prairie dogs in a smaller total area of 600 km2; This area is also highly fragmented and if that was not enough, is losing ground, extent and quality of habitat at a very high speed.

They are diurnal animals who live and build burrows to protect themselves from predators. Burrows are dug and tunnels that connect with each other. Are up to 6 meters long and 2 meters deep.

They are small and easily recognizable appearance and measuring between 28 and 33 cm. It reaches up to 1 to 1.5 kg.

They are omnivorous as they feed mainly on grasses, seeds, leaves, stems and roots, but during the summer they also eat grasshoppers and other insects. Living in areas with little water appear most water plants.

You are losing habitat due to expansion of agriculture and livestock farming. In fact, to get rid of these rodents have come to exterminate entire colonies by poison. And that despite the key role that prairie dogs on grasslands, have been victims of extermination campaigns (not just poison, but also by trapping and hunting).

The activity of thousands of individuals in areas inhabited prevents the tall grass to regenerate, leading to smaller, fast-growing annual grasses. These are the food of dogs and also enable the visibility necessary to note the presence of potential enemies.
They live 4-7 years.

Among their predators are coyotes, bobcats, eagles, hawks, badgers and weasels.